Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 20th....already!

Wow, the month of September is flying by and as usual I can't keep up with this blogging thing. We've had all kinds of sickness and injury (minor) around the house to keep us....make that me busy. Trindon had a cold earlier in the month that required some juggling of work schedules and a trip to the doctor. The next week we realized that a little incident Leah had last month getting hit in the mouth with a swing actually did some damage to her front tooth, so we had to make an unscheduled trip to the dentist. She will now be graced with a gray front baby tooth! Then Leah got Trindon's cold. Then this week Phil got some serious stomach bug and passed it on to the rest of us....that's an ongoing issue with the kids right now and we're just hoping to avoid any more trips to the pediatrician.

And I didn't even mention this nasty bump on Leah's head.
I walked outside for 5 minutes to chat on the phone with a friend and when I came back in my daughter looked like a Looney Tunes character. She was standing up on one of her little chairs and somehow fell and cracker her head on the tile. Phil was in the house with the kids, but didn't see it happen. It looked bad enough that we debated about taking her to the hospital for an MRI, but decided she was pretty hard headed and would be fine. She was sporting a nice bruise the day I had to take her to the dentist. I had to tell him that the chip on the tooth was from one incident, the swing hitting it was another, and this giant bruise on her forehead is yet another incident. I'm sure he thought I will so be seeing this girl again!!

On a more positive note - Leah rode in the Durant Homecoming parade with Hadley and some other girls from her dance class.

All ready for the parade

Besides the fact that it was 109 degrees at the time of the parade I think they had fun. Melissa and I figured they would get down there and would be too freaked out for us to leave them, but they went along with it.

Not too much else has been going on. We stay super busy with the new work/school schedule. The kids are still not loving their school, but seem to do okay after I drop them off in the mornings. I think I just have two couch potatoes who would prefer to stay in their jammies, blankies in hand, Trindon's thumb in his mouth, watching tv all day! This getting up early, getting dressed, and actually leaving the house thing has really thrown them for a loop!

This was just a cute picture. Leah told me they were playing airplane.....flying to Utah to see Grandma:)